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Research Summary
North America (mostly Canadian Boreal Forest and Boreal/Deciduous Ecotones); Egypt, Botswana, and Jordan; ancient pyrotechnology in the management of forests; landscape constructs in ancient times as indicators of cultural realities; science and traditional knowledge; subsistence systems.
Courses & Teaching
Cultural anthropology; futurist anthropology; materials analysis; Algonquian ethnography, specific American and world archaeology areas, archaeological theory.
BA (Honours, Anthropology, UC, University of Toronto)
MA (Anthropology & Archaeology, University of Toronto)
PhD (Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, University of London, London)
Selected Publications & Presentations
Books and Chapters
2018 Cultural Anthropology: A Perspective on The Human Condition. E.A. Schultz, R.H. Lavenda and R.R. Dods. Fourth Canadian Edition. Oxford Press: Toronto.
2018 States of Being in Wellness and Illness. Cultural Anthropology: A Perspective on The Human Condition. E.A. Schultz, R.H. Lavenda and R.R. Dods. Forth Canadian Edition. Oxford Press: Toronto.
2017 The Never-Ending Journey: Cycling and Recycling Seen through a Critical Assessment of the Taphonomic Process. In Working with the Past: Towards an Archaeology of Recycling. Edited by Dragos Gheorghiu and Phil Mason. Archaeopress Archaeology. Archaeopress Publishing Ltd., Oxford, England. Chapter 1, p. 1-19.
2015 Introduction and Review of A Reader of Contemporary Canadian Anthropology. Edited by Pamela Stern. Oxford University Press.
2015 Seeking the Mind of the Maker. In How Do We Imagine the Past? On Metaphorical Thought, Experientiality and Imagination in Archaeology, D.Gheorghiu and P. Bouissac (eds.). Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Chapter 2.
2015 Cultural Anthropology: A Perspective on The Human Condition. E.A. Schultz, R.H. Lavenda and R.R. Dods. Third Canadian Edition. Oxford Press: Toronto. (33.3% plus14 short Critical Comment essays, see above).
2013 A Place in Time: Temporal Dimensions of the Human Experience in a Material World. In Gheorghiu D & Nash G (eds.). Objects, Geographies And The Construction Of Time. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Chapter 2, pp. 34-54.
2012 Cultural Anthropology: A Perspective on The Human Condition. With E.A. Schultz and R.H. Lavenda. Second Canadian Edition. Oxford Press: Toronto.
2010 The Never-Ending Journey: cycling and recycling seen through a critical assessment of the taphonomic process. In Working with the past: strategies for crisis or intentional incorporation? Towards an archaeology of recycling. Edited by D. Gheorghiu and Phil Mason. BAR: Archaeopress.
2010 Nation / First Nations: Conflicts in Identity and the Role of Archaeology. In Unquiet Pasts: Risk Society, Lived Cultural Heritage, Re-designing Reflexivity. S. Koerner and I. Russell (eds.). Ashgate: Aldershot.
2009 Cultural Anthropology: A Perspective on The Human Condition.With E.A. Schultz and R.H. Lavenda. First Canadian Edition. Oxford Press: Toronto.
2009 The Syntax of Place and Space. Chapter 4 in Archaeology of Territoriality and People . Edited by D. Gheorghiu and G. Nash. Archaeolingua (Hu).
2007 Pyrotechnology and Landscapes of Plenty in The Northern Boreal. Chapter 9 in The Archaeology of Fire: Understanding Fire as Material Culture. D. Gheorghiu [gheorghiu_dragos@yahoo.com] and G. Nash, editors. Archaeolingua (Hu).
Journal Articles
2007 Intersubjectivity and the Meaning of Things. The International Journal of the Humanities (Common Ground).
2004 Knowing Ways/Ways of Knowing: Reconciling Science and Tradition. World Archaeology 36:4 (Dec.2004). Pp. 547-557.
2003 Wondering The Wetland: archaeology through the lens of myth and metaphor in Northern Boreal Canada. Journal of Wetland Archaeology 3: 17-36. Oxbow Books. Published online: 18 Jul 2013.
2002 The Death of Smokey Bear: the ecodisaster myth and forest management practices in prehistoric North America.World Archaeology 33:3 (Feb.2002). Pp. 475-487.
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
L’Acfas – Association francophone pour le savoir
International Small Islands Study Association (ISISA)
Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society (Board)
Aboriginal Educational Council Central Okanagan (Board)
Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA)
European Archaeological Association
World Archaeology Group